The Dirty Water 500km

The Dirty Water 500km is a ride from South Point, Ohio to Vermilion along the most challenging roads available. It was created by Ashland Bike Company and this year was the first version of it. I have rode across Michigan East to West in Coast to Coast and South to North in the Michigan Off-road Expedition . Knowing that Dirty Kanza XL is in my future I wanted to ride over 300 miles. I thought #DWR500km was something I should tackle and this blog will explain what it took to complete. Logistics of point to point races are always challenging. This was going to be entirely self supported. I had no one on route to save me and had to rely on resources on the route. There was no drafting and I was by myself for 95% of this ride. Getting to the start was the first challenge because no one was going with me. Its hard to believe not many people want to ride their bike for 315 miles. I asked all my team mates and friends ...