The Crusher 2019

John 9:25 "One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” This Bible verse explains the difference between a Crusher and a normal person. The Crusher is a 225 or 232 mile (who is counting lol) race through the UP backwoods from Copper Harbor to Marquette. It traverses some of the most beautiful and painful places you can ride or hike a bike on. After completing the HAMR last year I was looking forward to the challenge. I am thankful for the Michigan Ultra gravel series because it was an amazing challenge to complete 4 out of the 5 races. I completed Barry Roubaix Epic Psycho Killer, HellKaat Hundie, Coast to Coast and finally The Crusher. I ended up getting 21st in the series and was happy with that. I learned a lot from last years race on what I did well and what I screwed up on. A race like this takes extreme planning or you will suffer the consequences. There was a ton of bike debate on the Crusher Facebook p...