HAMR Race 2018

”Adventure is an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks.” I randomly saw a post on Facebook for HAMR in 2017 and it looked to be something too great in scale for me to attempt but I was intrigued. The Upper Peninsula is a place I wanted a reason to visit so I started asking questions to the HAMR page. I swear I was the only one asking real questions, such as water stops, river crossing depths, food, support, and terrain. It had a random start from 3am-7am. Random start means they wake you up at 4am and you have 1 hour to get ready to start. After breaking down the event more I started digesting it and putting it as a maybe for 2018 but as second A race. I knew that it would be the most difficult thing I was going to take on so I built a plan to sharpen my handling and mental skills. I want to thank Matt Acker for hosting two races that helped me prepare. The Barry Roubaix 100 Mile Panaracer Psycho-Killer where I finished in 6:32 and received t...